Corrugated Edge, Oval Scalloped Bracelet

Corrugated Edge, Oval Scalloped Bracelet-back

This bracelet is a very rare style which I don't make very often because it takes several days to fit the top and bottom to the corrogated edge shape. Every time I do it, I swear that I will never do it again.

Recycled tin containers, with gold embossed tin, red and subdued color scrollwork; brass rivets. 

Reverse side: peaches and grapes in subdued color.

Inside wrist: subdued colors with carousel motif.

Outside edge: gold, green and red patternon corrugated tin can. 

 Corrugated Edge Round Bracelet


Corrugated edge round bracelet, “asa via variccio” on green w. pink flowers, and gold; scroll on left side; round shape # 1.27.1 m                                                             

Reverse side: stripes of silver, lavender, crème & pumpkin, w. white circles on light green & gold scrollwork 

Outside edge: Native American patterns on dark pumpkin and purple stripes, purple sky top stripe

Inside wrist: dark green checker on light green with yellow haystacks; round medium wrist  

Corrugated Edge U-shape Bracelet


Corrugated Edge U-Shaped; multiple scalloped layers on wrist with brass rivets, black background with green ferns #9.1.07 m    

Reverse side:  peaches and grapes in subdued colors

Outside edge:  gold, green and red pattern

Inside Wrist: subdued colors with carousel motif    


 No Commissions or Special Orders for this rippled edge.

Retail Price for the group of three bracelets: $12,000