3 M & m candy dispense
sculpture that looks like a tape dispenser made from red, black and yellow tin cans.

3 M & m Candy Dispenser

Candy dispenser constructed from pre-printed steel from vintage 3M tins and recycled tin containers, 10k gold and aluminum rivets, plastic candy dispenser, m & m's.                      

Dimensions: 6" H x 9.5" W x 2.5" D

Available for purchase or exhibition

3 M & m Candy Dispenser that looks like a tape dispenser made from tin cans by Harriete Estel Berman. r

Those are real M & M candies with white Lettraset. (Lerttraset was a pre-digital press on lettering for graphic design.)

center of the candy M&M tape dispense. You can see the aged and used surface of the recycled antique tins

The “center” of the scotch tape is a tin can from Scotch Cellophane Tape from the 1950’s when each can of Scotch tape came in a tin. Can you imagine? Each roll of Cellophane tape came in a tin can!

The Scotch Fabric Protection is no longer sold. This is a very old mid-20th century tin spray can.

Close up photo of details including three candies on yellow and black check of tin can sculpture. lcose up

The zig-zag-cut edge works particularly mimicking the serrated edge of tape dispensers.

black and yellow checks with close up of the construction with pinked tin cans.

© Harriete Estel Berman, 2001, 2021